How to Do a Ball-shape Handicraft with Beads

張貼日期:Apr 10, 2010 3:51:39 AM

How to Do a Ball-shape Handicraft with Beads

Joy Lee

     I joined the handicraft club when I was a senior high school student. That was not planned because one of my best friends wanted me to join it with her. After a semester, I was still in the handicraft club but she joined another club. At the beginning, I thought I would mess up everything. However, my teacher and other students told me that I did very well after the first class. I was very happy and I became interested in doing handicrafts, especially the ones associated with beads. I always sent my works to my friends and my family as gifts on their birthdays or some special days. Many of my friends hoped I could teach them to make those handicrafts sometimes because they also wanted to send hand-made handicrafts to friends as gifts. So I’d like to teach everyone how to make a very simple ball-shape handicraft with beads.

      Before you start, you should prepare a pair of scissors, a bundle of three-millimeter fish twine, and three-millimeter beads. If you want to make a mobile phone strap, you can buy the straps. By the way, you can buy these tools in the store named “Bearmama” or other stores which sell handicrafts. When making handicrafts, there are some tips you must follow. Beware of your right hand and left hand. Don’t mess up your direction. If one step is wrong, the following steps will be wrong. The last bead in every step must cross together. After doing each step, you have to draw the twine tight. It can make your works firmer.

      Now, we start to make the simple ball-shape handicraft! First, you have to cut the twine short to 40 cm. Then, both of your hands hold the end of the twine. Take five beads with your right hand and string them together. Remember the fifth bead must cross together. Then, string four beads on the right hand. Third, your left twine has to cross the left bead, which is the first bead you string on the first step, and string three beads on your right hand. This step should repeat three times and the following left beads you should cross the second, the third and the fourth beads on the first step. Fourth, the left twine crosses the left two beads, which are the fifth bead on the first step and the first bead you string on the second step, and the right hand adds two beads.

      After you finish these steps, the shape of a hemicycle appears. Then, the fifth step is that the left twine crosses one left bead, which is the second bead you string on the second step, and strings three beads on your right twine. Sixth, the left twine crosses left two beads and strings two brads on your right twine. This step should repeat three times too. Seventh, the left twine crosses left three beads and strings one bead on your right twine. Finally, tie the twine twice and string both of your twines in the ball-shape work.

      You can show your creativity by doing this handicraft; for example, you can create a mobile phone strap, a necklace, and so on. I think these steps will help you a lot for making handicrafts with beads. Now, you can send such a special and unique gift to your friends or family.