Luck or Opportunity?

張貼日期:Jun 22, 2011 10:59:40 AM

Luck or Opportunity?


 Tina Huang 


      Everyone can be their own master in a certain position in order to maintain self-confidence. Therefore, some people try hard to create opportunity in life. On the other hand, some people just wait for the so-called luck. I’d like to discuss both luck and opportunity in the following paragraphs.

      First of all, we cannot just wait for luck to come to us and do nothing at all. We know that luck will not drop from the sky on its own. However, some people are too naïve to believe something unrealistic. Nobody deserves the luck without any effort. For instance, you tried your best to study for the final exam. Even though you just finished about 70 percent of studying, you would probably pray for no questions from the remaining 30 percent. If so, you are lucky. On the opposite, you studied 10 percent of studying only, and you would never get the chance from luck.

      Secondly, the efforts always bring about opportunities. For example, a student named Jerry who was born in a poor family. Jerry had a big dream which was to study abroad after graduating from high school. Therefore, he made efforts to achieve the best grade at school for whole three years in high school in order to apply for admission to University of Toronto. He not only reached the qualifications for the school, but also won the scholarship. Jerry did his best and seized the chance purposely.

      In conclusion, what I want to say in my discussion is that doing your best for not only luck but also opportunity and seizing it in time. Remember that there’s nothing we can get without paying efforts. In the end, luck and opportunity complement each other.