The Benefits of Going to the Gym

張貼日期:Nov 16, 2015 4:8:44 PM

The Benefits of Going to the Gym

Esther Yang

Have you ever been to the gym? How do you feel when you are in the gym? Nowadays, there are more and more gyms everywhere. Taking exercise in the gym becomes a popular choice especially among young people. As for me, I would also like to take exercise in the gym for three reasons: the motivating atmosphere, the professional conditions,and the convenience of the gym.

First of all, many factors can motivate me to take exercise in the gym. When I am in the gym, I will feel a dynamic and energetic atmosphere which makes me feel excited and have a passion to do some exercise. There are a lot of people with me and we do sports with the music and the rhythm all the time together. For instance, my favorite sport is bike riding. There are about 30 people in the same room and every one is riding a bike. They will play some dynamic music in the room and everybody rides the bike following the rhythm all at once. In this atmosphere, I can not help exercising with everyone else. When I see many people with a perfect body shape and muscles, I want to have a similar healthy body and thus I swear to myself to do exercise continuously. As the gym is not free, I have paid much money in advance. In order not to waste money,I must go there to have physical exercise frequently, which is another factor that motivates me to exercise more.

Second, I believe that the gym provides a professional arena. There is a great amount of gymnastic equipment in the gym. When I want to exercise my arms strength, I can choose dumbbells. And when I want to run, I will choose the treadmill. Besides, there are also many professional trainers who can give me some advice according to the condition of my body. At the beginning, they will tell me about usages and functions of the equipment. They also show me how to use them in frequency, power degree and time in detail. Then, when I use the equipment, the trainer will give me some directions and correct my gestures. After I am familiar with some procedures, they will help me to set an exercise plan so that I can have a systemic class. There are also many interesting exercise classes, including dance, yoga, table tennis, gymnastic ball and so on. Therefore, I can combine aerobics exercise and anaerobic exercise to improve my fitness. What’s more, taking exercise in the gym is safer than that outside. If I have some physical exercise outside, I may have a higher risk of getting injured. However, the gym can provide so many secure measures that ensure my safety.

Last but not least, taking exercise in the gym is very convenient. Usually, the gym is close to where I live. So I only need to walk for a few minutes to get there. In addition, many kinds of facilities in there are very convenient for us. When thirsty, I can drink water from the water machine anytime. I also can take a bath right after exercising and do not need to wait until I get home to bathe myself. What is more, no matter how the weather is, I still can take exercise in the gym whenever I feel like doing it.

As far as I am concerned, if we want to take physical exercise, going to the gym is the beast choice. We can not only improve our health and strength, but also enjoy the motivating exercise surroundings and learn from the professional instructions. Doing exercise in the gym, we can get not only a perfect body shape, but also safe and convenient service.