Pride and Prejudice- Love, Money, and Marriage in Early 19 Century

張貼日期:Jan 22, 2014 10:9:49 AM

Pride and Prejudice-

Love, Money, and Marriage in Early 19 Century

Hsin-yu Chang   Wan-qing Huang

Advisor: Dr. Hsian-li Chou


     Jane Austen is the one of the famous female writers in early 19 century. The most popular works of her: Pride and Prejudice, which describes the concepts of marriage in England society of the early 19 century. Through the Bennets’ story, we realize that love and romance is not the priority consideration at that time, but money is an important condition for women to get married. The author combines the real situation in that society and her viewpoint of opposing this social value into the novel. Since there are four main couples represent different kinds of marriage in Pride and Prejudice, we would like to focus on love, money and marriage in the early 19 century through the relationship among these characters.