Should the Entrance examination be Abolished

張貼日期:May 25, 2010 1:13:29 PM

Should the Entrance examination be Abolished

Nina Huang


     It is a common thing that students should pass the entrance exam before they can enter the senior high school. But now, the Ministry of Education proposes a policy: “Twelve-Year Basic National Education.” It means that students don’t need to pass the entrance exam to enter the senior high school. Actually, I don’t agree to abolish the entrance exam.

     The first reason is that the entrance exam can distinguish students’ level. Students’ performance on the exam can show their academic achievement in the past three years, based on which they can go into a school that is suitable for their level. Students with similar levels are in the same school, so the teachers and teach students in accordance with their aptitude and proficiency level.

     The second reason is that the entrance exam can encourage students to study. The students have an incentive to study hard, to go to a good school. A proper competitiveness can push students to make progress and to grow.

     The third reason is that if there wasn’t the entrance exam, the poor people might not have the opportunity to get into a good school. The poor family cannot afford their children’s going to the cram school for supplementary lessons or learning some talents. In this regard, the poor students usually cannot compete with the rich ones. But if they work hard in the school, they still have a chance to go to a desirable senior high school by getting good grades on the entrance exam.

      In sum up, I don’t agree to abolish the entrance exam, because it has many problems that the government should solve. I think that the entrance exam is necessary to all the students. The entrance exam is a test to evaluate the students’ learning process and compare their performances. It can provide a chance for the poor students to compete with the common students equally.