Luck or Opportunity?

張貼日期:Jun 20, 2011 8:26:16 AM

Luck or Opportunity?


WanXian Lin


      Have you ever played monopoly? If you have, you must know luck and opportunity in this game. When your checker steps on the question mark in monopoly, you have to choose luck or opportunity. Whether you select the former or the latter, the result would not affect your real life, because it is just a game. But life is not as simple as a game. “Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity,” said Oprah Winfrey. And in my opinion, opportunities are more important than luck.

      In some countries, people who were born in low social stratum cannot change their destinies even though they want to make some changes. For Chinese, a person’s life often depends on luck because people believe life is destined. However, in my opinion, luck can be changed. If you have good luck, you may be born in a rich family and enjoy luxurious material life. If you do not have good luck, you can try your best to catch every opportunity around you and make your life better.

      In your life, you may face the situation where you have to make a decision from multiple choices. I think that every choice is an opportunity, whether the result is good or bad. But how could you make the best decision for yourself? If you want to get the opportunity, you must prepare well anytime. Because opportunities are just like epiphyllums, you do not know when they will bloom. When you miss the moment, you just realize you lose the opportunity.

      It is said that a person has opportunities three times in his/her life and he/she has only seven seconds to consider whether he/she should catch the opportunity. If you were the person, how could you consider carefully and make the right choice in the moment? So you must be a person who always gets ready to catch the opportunity.