My Favorite Kinds of String Instruments

張貼日期:May 05, 2017 4:41:10 PM

My Favorite Kinds of String Instruments

Albert Lin

      To me, string instruments are the most interesting group of instruments. Through their strings, they deliver a powerful tone of compassion and elegance. There are three kinds of string instruments that stand out as my favorite. They are steel string acoustic guitars, soprano ukuleles and solid body electric guitars.

          The steel string acoustic guitars are in the first place of my favorites. They are also the first kind of string instruments I learned to play. The warm and natural tone of the instrument's six steel strings and hollow wooden body brought me into the world of music. With the contrast of powerful sound and calming nature, the instrument also delivers strong, soulful expressions, comforting the listeners. It is the reason I love the steel string acoustic guitars.

      The soprano ukuleles are the second most appealing string instruments to me. Compared with steel string acoustic guitars, soprano ukuleles are much smaller sized, making them highly portable. In addition, they are equipped with four nylon strings, enabling them a short, light sound. The instrument also has thin and narrow necks, making it more playable for people with small hands, especially children. In my opinion, the features of soprano ukuleles make great instruments for beginners of string instruments. Not only the lighthearted instrument is easy to play, it is also good for one to express joy to others.

        Last but not least, the solid body electric guitars stand in the third place. They are similar to the steel string acoustic guitars in many ways. However, the solid body electric guitars rely on their own pickups, the electronic devices that pick up the resonance of the guitar strings, to generate sounds. Once they are connected to the amplifiers, the electric guitars can sound as loud as the amplifiers' max volume. In addition, the most special feature to use on the solid body electric guitars is the effect pedals. The effect pedals change the instrument's tone output, making it sound different. Depending on the player's needs, several effect pedals can be arranged in various combinations. Therefore, the instrument has given me a great opportunity to discover more possibilities of sound, pleasing my ears in a mesmerizing way.

          Although the three instruments are given different ranks, I still appreciate their unique tones respectively. After all, they express one of the world's common languages, bringing many people together with joy and pleasure. I am glad to be a part of them.