Types of My Dreams

張貼日期:May 01, 2010 5:24:54 AM

Types of My Dreams

Sheena Yang

      People dream when they are sleeping. All the dreams come from our mind and they can be various. Having a dream is very common, but not many people can remember what they dreamed. Actually, I am a person who easily has a dream and I usually can remember what I dreamed. My dream can be classified into three types according to the content in them.

     The first type can be called reality dreams. This kind of dream is the most common type that I had. In these dreams I dreamed about my daily life. Sometimes the dream would be so realistic that I didn’t feel like in a dream. For example, one day I dreamed that I went to my friend’s birthday party and we had a great day. When I woke up I thought it had really happened. And the next day I asked my friend why she didn’t come to this party but she answered, “What party? There was no party yesterday.” Then I realized it was just a dream.

     The second type is fantasy dream. Fantasy dream is the most interesting type because it can be everything you want. Just like Alice in Wonderland, it wouldn’t happen in real world but only in a dream. Actually, I like this type the best because it’s really interesting and makes me feel like I was in the fairy tale. For instance, I once dreamed that I was in the magic world and everything in this world was made of food and desserts. I was very happy in there and I thought I was in a paradise.

     The third type is horror dream, which is also called nightmare. I don’t like this type of dream. Every time I saw a horror movie I would dream about the plot of the movie and l would be the role in the movie. And I wanted to wake up from the dream but I couldn’t. This kind of experiences really scared me and I don’t want to have it again. I often dreamed that I was in a case of murder and somebody tried to kill me or my friends. When I woke up I felt very tired and terrified.

      I think dream is a very interesting thing. Actually all the dreams come from our mind. We will dream what we think at the day or what we hope to happen in our real life, so I think it might be a way to release our pressure. I think having a dream is a wonderful thing.