The Process of Washing Hands

張貼日期:Jun 16, 2010 7:57:57 AM

The Process of Washing Hands

Samantha Chang


     As we know, there are many bacteria in our environment. So many diseases occur. Human do everything with their hands so the hands are easily tainted with a lot of bacteria. In order to keep away from bacteria and also keep us healthy, we need to learn the right way of washing hands. Here are some steps for you to follow.

     First of all, turn on the faucet and make your hands wet. Then, soap your hands.

     Second, you need to make your hands filled with bubbles. Right after that, all of the palms, the back of hands and the interstices between nails and fingers need to be rubbed at least twenty seconds. Also someone said that the times we wash hands are just like the time singing the birthday song twice. During this length of time, all bacteria will be disinfected.

Third, open the faucet again and wash away all of the bubbles. After that, clean the bubbles on the faucet and turn off the faucet.

     Finally, use the clean towels or tissues to wipe out the water on your hands.

     These steps are useful and keep you away from bacteria. In order to deepen your impression, here is a pithy formula for you: “Wet, Rub, Rinse, Clean and Wipe.” Follow these steps and you will keep away from disease.