Types of My Dreams

張貼日期:Jul 04, 2014 1:47:36 PM

Types of My Dreams


Roddy Chang 


Dreams are continuing thoughts that run actively in our minds when we are sleeping. They can be regarded as a mirror that reflects what we are thinking while awake. Sometimes the thoughts would become emotions that are unconsciously accumulated in the subconscious and projected in our head like a movie. Thus, according to the thoughts and emotions I carry for a while when I am awake, my dreams can be classified into horrible dreams, comic dreams, and tragic dreams.

The first type is horrible dreams. These dreams appear when I have something terrible and scary in my mind, such as the various scenes of a ghost movie. Besides, this type of dreams also occurs when I am under great pressure. For instance, I remember clearly that when I was working hard for college entrance exam, I would dream of not being able to complete the exam as I had expected. Every time I have horrible dreams, I would wake up trembling with my body soaking wet.

The second type is comic dreams. Comic dreams happen when I keep thinking about funny jokes and ridiculous stories I made up when I was bored. My comic dreams consist of improbable events. One of the most impressive comic dreams I remember was that the U.S. President Obama visited my house and spoke fluent Taiwanese, asking me if he could wash my toilet for free. I woke up laughing so loud after he asked this question in my dream.

The last one is tragic dreams. They are the dreams that appear the least frequently in my sleep. Every time I experience tragic dreams, I would consider them as a reminder of the hidden sadness and memories in my life that I would not want to face and tend to bury somewhere deep in my heart. For example, I remember I once dreamed that I was about to leave my hometown and begin my brand new college life, my best friends decided to say goodbye to me. I didn’t dare to look directly into their eyes for fear that I couldn’t help crying, so I lowered my head and kept staring at the floor to avoid any eye contact with them. However, when the train departed, I couldn’t hold my tears anymore. Even until now, this sadness would sometimes creep on my head when I stay quietly in my room.

Dreams can be seen as a collection of our actual life experiences no matter they are happy, sorrowful, terrifying, or funny. They are also part of our lives, too. So next time when we remember the dreams, we might write them down to see what we are thinking and feeling recently.