Two Different Kinds of Markets

張貼日期:Dec 19, 2010 4:44:46 AM

Two Different Kinds of Markets

Samantha Huang


      There are two major kinds of markets for people to buy things-the traditional market and the supermarket. These two markets provide many goods to satisfy our needs. However, they have their own special features to appeal to the customers. Even though we can buy the same things at these two types of markets, there are still many differences between them.

      First, we can compare these two markets by the price of goods. At the traditional markets, we can bargain with the vendors when we feel the price is too high. Besides, we can get larger quantity of goods if we always buy things with the same vendor. However, when we buy things at the supermarket, every price is unchangeable. We can only have some special offers sometimes. Therefore, many people like to buy things at the traditional market; they feel that there is more human interest at the traditional market because they can argue about the price with the vendors or get something free from the sellers.

      Second, the locations of these two markets are also very different. For our convenience, the traditional markets are always located in the neighborhood. We can go there easily when we need something immediately. However, the supermarkets need a big space for customers parking and the building of the markets; they are always located in the suburban areas. Sometimes, people will think it is less convenient than going to the traditional markets. Nevertheless, because of their big space and air-conditioned building, we can buy things more comfortably than at the traditional markets.

      The final difference is about the quantity of goods we buy. At the traditional markets, we can decide the quantity of the products according to our needs. We just tell the sellers how much or how many we need and then the vendors will give us what we request. But we cannot decide the quantity at the supermarkets. The quantity of the goods is fixed since they are always packed well; we can only decide to buy the big one or the small one if there are the different sizes. Therefore, we may buy more than what we need.

      By seeing those differences between these two markets, we can know more about them. Both of the two kinds of markets have strengths and weaknesses. And by their characteristics and qualities, we can choose the appropriate one to buy things. Therefore, no matter where we go, the most important thing is we can get the things we want.