Reasons to Work with a Group of People

張貼日期:Jun 02, 2017 12:56:37 PM

Reasons to Work with a Group of People

Albert Lin

        In our lives, we all have a chance to take on assignments and projects. To complete them, one person or several people may be required. However, in order to work efficiently with less effort, knowing to work with a group of people is more important. It requires the capable skills of each individual, the ability to interact with each other and the ability to inspire each other.

      Understanding the capable skills of each person in the group is essential. It can be a great boost to the group’s efficiency, making the work easier. For example, my friend and I once made a slide show for a school presentation together. While I am better at organizing information, my friend is quick with collecting information. Based on each of our advantages, we divided the workload. In the end, we completed the slide show with ease. Without taking advantage of each other, not only will we use more effort, extra time will also be needed for the work, not to mention working as a person, dealing with all of the workload alone.

        The group members’ ability to cooperate with each other is another crucial element of teamwork. The ability requires the group to compromise with each other when necessary. It also involves the group members’ method of bonding, making their interactions smoother and swifter. For example, when two people in a group have different ideas for a project, if one of the ideas is agreed to be better than the other one, the opposing side should compromise with the agreed-upon idea. Also, the members should discuss with each other for compensational ideas from the opposing side if possible. Compared with working independently, working as a group with strong cooperation can quickly generate multiple ideas, creating greater possibilities.

         Moreover, working as a group allows the members to inspire each other. It is one of the abilities we cannot have from working independently. By sharing thoughts with two or more people, an idea will trigger a chain of other ideas, creating greater variants of inspirations. Take cartoon character designing for example. A group of artists draw each of their own concept arts at first. Then the group members discuss their ideas, connecting the chain of thoughts, creating a more appealing character.

      When people work together, they can achieve greater goals.It is the reason we have the power to build a better world. In the world nowadays, from enterprises to governments, many parts of the world are working together for better solutions to their problems, making teamwork more essential than anytime in history. Therefore, it is more important to work as a group.