Types of My Emails

張貼日期:Feb 23, 2010 12:56:32 PM

Types of My Emails

James Huang 

Everyday when I go home, the first thing I usually do is to switch the computer on and check whether there are any emails in my mailbox or not. After reading hundreds of email messages that people send me, I come to a conclusion. That is, essentially, there are three types of emails I receive from different people from different places. The first type of my emails is “Bulk Messages,” as I call them, and it is the type I receive the most. They are known as bulk emails or Spam. These emails are all unsolicited and they contain lots of commercial advertisements. They often disguise as wonderful schemes of making money; however, they often spread computer viruses as well. Therefore, every time when I receive Bulk Messages, I’m very careful when opening or replying unfamiliar messages. I usually delete all of them. The second type of my emails is called “Entertainment Messages.” They contain many pleasurable or moving articles, interesting games, good songs, and some funny comic strips. All of them are from my good friends, and I like this kind of emails the most because they relieve my stress from my study.  The final part of my emails is called “School Messages” because they all come from the school. For example, I get notices from the school library, which inform me about the books’ due dates. Besides, I send and receive my English compositions and other English assignments by using emails. To sum up, I classify my emails into three types because I think it can make me deal with a large number of emails more efficiently every day.