Types of Roommates

張貼日期:May 14, 2018 3:50:5 PM

Types of Roommates

Zack Wang

When I was a junior at PCCU, I lived in the dormitory with three different kinds of people. They come from Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. They have different living styles and cultural backgrounds. They made me feel interested when I was living with them.

     The first type of roommate is the nice person in my dormitory life. He was always doing his own things but he would help me when I needed help. One time, I needed someone to help to finish my questionnaire; he helped me immediately even though he was doing his homework. As to his living style, he would not disturb my daily life and he is a tidy person. So I think he was the best type of roommate in my dormitory life.

     The second type of roommate is the ordinary type. This roommate only stayed in the dormitory at night. He didn’t talk with me often. He woke up when the clock rang in the morning. He always brought some food or drinks when he came back. But he had a bad habit; he didn’t help with throwing away rubbish when the rubbish bin was full.

     The third type of roommate has some bad habit that disturbs people living with them. For example, this terrible roommate never woke up in the morning but his clock always rang at 8 o’clock a.m. I hate this kind of person because he knew that he would not wake up for the class but he still set up the alarm clock. This move made all of my roommates, including me, feel agony. He can sleep when the clock is ringing but he never thought that others would be woken up by his clock ringing. The worst thing was we didn’t have class in every morning but we had to be disturbed by his mindless act. So I think this kind of roommate is the irritation for all students.

     In the end, I think many people meet various types of roommates when living in the dorm room. And so did I. Although some of them may have some bad habit interfering my daily life, I think this is special memory in my university life.