Luck or Opportunity

張貼日期:Jun 20, 2011 7:48:48 AM

Luck or Opportunity


Shen-Yun Hou


Both luck and opportunities play important roles in success. Some people think that when people succeed, it is because of hard work and that luck has nothing to do with success. However, in my opinion, luck sometimes is more important than opportunities. Although we all know that successful people must work hard and take advantage of every chance, we still cannot ignore the influence of luck.

For example, if a person won a lottery, how would you explain this situation? I think you would not say that he work hard but you would definitely say that the person was quite lucky, so he won the lottery and got a lot of money. In this case, no matter how hard you seize the chance, it is impossible for you to get so much money without the help of luck.

For me, luck is unreliable but indispensable in some situation. Sometimes, I got a high grade because of good luck. I did not study hard and prepare for the exam sufficiently, but I still got a reasonable grade on the test. Therefore, luck can help people get their achievement in some way.

Although the influence of luck cannot be ignored, I think it does not mean that people can depend on it and forget to seize the chance and ignore the value of hard work. If people are willing to work hard and hold every opportunity, they can succeed with or without the benefit of luck. Although luck is sometimes more important than chances for sure, I assume that seizing the opportunity and working hard for our goal is the most reliable way to ensure achievement and success.