Different Kinds of Parents

張貼日期:Jun 13, 2012 3:35:27 PM

Different Kinds of Parents


Emily Wang


      Different parents have different ways to teach their children. When parents teach their children, which kind of education is the better way, with more love or more authority? Because of those different attitudes of education, children develop various personalities. Those different kinds of education may also influence children’s behaviors. Therefore, different parenting styles conduce to different character and abilities in children. According to my observation, there are three types of parents--democratic parents, czarist parents, and doting parents.

       First type of parents is democratic parents. The parents care their children and listen to them for their needs. Although they have a very clear rule for their priority, when the parents request their kids to do something, they won’t just tell them to do it but they would discuss the matter with their kids and listen to their opinions. Because of this kind of education, parents and children are very intimate. Children feel the parents are gracious and honorific, and they have trust for their parents. The children who are taught in the democratic way may be more friendly, sincere and independent, and they can get with the society well.

      Second, some parents are czarist and strict. This kind of parents may discipline their children strictly. They want their kids to listen to and obey them unconditionally. If the kids violate the parents’ regulations, they may be very angry and punish the kids severely. The czarist parents seldom explain to their children why the kid should do what parents said. They just want the kids to do what they think the kids should do. Children almost cannot choose what they should do or what they like to do by themselves. Therefore, the kids usually cannot feel the care and support from their parents. Growing in this type of family, the kids are likely to distrust others, and they tend to be diffident.

      The last type of parents is doting parents. This type of parents loves and accepts their kids unreservedly. However, they almost do not request their kids to do anything. If they do request something from their children, they may not request them to do it well, and they just want the kids to finish it. They just let kids do what they want to do. Because of this kind of attitude, the children are short of guidance, and they usually do not know whether what they do is right or wrong, or whether they should do something or not. People may regard those kids as a little emperor, but those kids may easily get anxious when they meet some events.

      Parents’ attitude of education is very important. Parents’ discipline really can influence a child’s personality and behavior. Facing the same question or situation, different parents may have different responses and attitudes. For example, if the kid wants to go out to play with friends, different types of parents may have different answers. Czarist parents may tell the kid that they have to come home by ten o’clock, or they will be grounded for a week. Doting parents may just tell the kids to go. They may not be concerned about the time the kid should come back. As to the democratic parents, they may tell the kids that they hope they come back before ten o’clock because there may be danger outside at night. To be a perfect parent is really a difficult thing that every parent should learn to be democratic parents because parenting styles have a big influence on children’s behaviors.