My Dream

張貼日期:Nov 20, 2009 1:43:52 PM


My Dream

Eva Lai

         It was an unusual and special dream. I have had this experience several times. In those dreams, I dreamed about the future. All of the content of the dreams was ordinary except the one that I want to share with you. These dreams didn’t change my fate. However, every morning when I woke up, I couldn’t remember the content of the dream until that thing happened. Once I dreamed that I was in a computer room of Chinese Culture University. There was a person beside me. But I couldn’t see her face but her clothes. When I had this dream, I was a senior high school student. After I entered Chinese Culture University, I realized that the place was my school. The dreamland and the reality were the same. To my amazement, I had never been to Chinese Culture University when I was a senior high school student. Why could I know the scene of the classroom? One of my friends said, “Maybe you were a fortune teller in your last life.” But it is just a guess. Nobody can answer me. Perhaps I will also find the answer in my dream.