Getting up Early in the Morning

張貼日期:Jan 22, 2013 4:23:44 AM

Getting up Early in the Morning

Lily Lu


  “An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening,” so getting up early is good for me. It makes my life more regular, especially in three aspects: the time, the energy, and the health.

    First, I have time to do something unplanned. For instance, I can do exercise or some housework. Besides, I may go to school early and enjoy my breakfast. I may check out my schedule of an entire day, read some news or books, and spend some time receiving e-mails. I may even listen to the radio or memorize vocabulary words. No matter what I may do, I will not be too busy to complete something if I have more time. I will make better use of my time.

    Second, I find an interesting fact that is I will be energetic the whole day if I get up from bed at dawn. Even though I go to bed late at night, I feel clear-headed as long as I wake up early in the morning. It is also helpful for me to figure things out.

    Last of all, I think that breakfast is the most important meal of a day. A lot of people often sleep late so they may not have breakfast in the morning. However, it may cause some health problems such as heart disease and gastric ulcer. An American study found that the people who seldom eat breakfast have the heart attack easily. What is worse, it can speed up the ageing process too. That is very terrible. To me, eating breakfast is good and necessary. On the other hand, if I do not eat breakfast, I will be a little weary. Getting up early in order to have breakfast is a good way to keep healthy.

    To sum up, morning hours is the best time for many things. It not only keeps me in good health but also makes my memory better. Also, I even have more time to plan my day and do something unplanned. I believe an old saying, “The early bird gets the worm.” Getting up early is really good for me.