Types of Unhealthy Eating Habits

張貼日期:May 03, 2015 9:44:22 AM

Types of Unhealthy Eating Habits

Wilson Chou

    Unhealthy eating is largely caused by bad eating habits. Eating a bag of potato chips while watching TV, or eating large amounts of food during a party once or twice will probably not cause us any harm. However, when these actions become repetitive, they develop into habits. If we wish to break our unhealthy eating habits, we need to determine what they are first. Here are three types of bad eating habits that we should try to avoid.

    First of all, eating and drinking too excess in one sitting is one type of unhealthy eating habit that we should avoid. It is not difficult to find people around us tend to skip meals then eat a lot in the next meal to compensate.Some of them even gorge themselves with junk food during the weekend after a week of eating restrictively. Poon is my roommate who is suffering a bad stomachache. He just told me thathe often can’t help eating beyond the point that he has reached fullness.Whenever I saw his painful look, I just thought a bad eating habit could be such a terrible thing. All the above are the signs that these people have already become habitual binge eater. One of the best ways to change the bad situations is to develop the habit of eating several small meals in a day so they can avoid eating too much at a time.

    Emotional eating, or stress eating, is another type of unhealthy   habit that we should avoid. This occurs when we are driven by certain emotions to eat even though we're not hungry. Sometimes I just indulge myself on candy bars when I feel stressed about a deadline at work or sometimes I crave for an ice cream when I’m feeling depressed. Actually, most emotional eaters probably reach for unhealthy junk food in order to cope with their emotions. To solve this, it is necessary to find another way to release stress and negative emotions. To take up a hobby or spend quality time with a close friend can be an effective way.

    The third type of unhealthy eating habit is eating untimely. Breakfast is believed to be the most important meal of the day, but many people still seem to make a habit of skipping it. It is not hard to imagine that when people have to rush for work in the mornings or get their kids ready for school, they are likely to neglect breakfast. Doing so not only leads to losing energy, but also disrupt sour metabolism, which may cause our body to burn fewer calories. So, skipping breakfast is not a good idea. A bowl of oatmeal, fruit or a healthy cereal can get a good start for our day.Eating during other activities can be another typical case of eating untimely. When we eat while doing other activities, we become unable to measure how much to eat. Eating too close to bedtime will also disrupt our sleep since our body will be busy digesting food.Scientists point out that it is necessary to have a specific schedule for eating and we should have a designated place exclusively for eating in the house.

    All in all, immoderate eating, emotional eating and untimely eating can be the three types of unhealthy eating habits which can really do harm to our body. We should follow the methods supplied by doctors and scientists in order to eat healthfully and protect ourselves from illnesses resulting from bad eating habits.