A Healthy Change

張貼日期:Mar 31, 2011 4:39:24 AM

A Healthy Change


Momo Zheng


      An unhealthy lifestyle can cause serious problems to one's health and life. Many people would not change their lifestyles because they do not know what problems they might face in the future. The unhealthy living styles such as eating unhealthy food, smoking, having no sports, and so on, would destroy one's health. For my own lifestyle, I think maybe I can try to change some bad habits such as getting to sleep too late, smoking, and drinking. 

      "Early to bed, early to rise" is important to one’s health; however, most people nowadays sleep very late, and get up early in the morning; I am one of those people. According to a British report, sleeping fewer than five hours a day would increase the risk of getting diseases. On the other hand, sleeping over eight hours a day would decrease people's lifetime. I usually sleep after two o'clock in the morning, and get up at seven o'clock; so most of my sleep time is fewer than five hours. So, I should try to change the way I use my time after school because I always spend too much time on unimportant things such as playing on the computer, watching TV, and talking on the cell phone with friends.

      I have smoked since I was seventeen. I always know that it is very unhealthy to me. But as time goes by, the possibility of my quitting smoking has become less and less. However, two years ago, my cousin got married and she quitted smoking for her baby. She showed me the pictures of deformities of the newborn, and she told me that smoking might have little influence on our own health but it would have serious influence on our family. Therefore, I knew that if my quitting smoking would have many benefits to my family and my health. 

      To me, drinking can make me relax. So I would go drinking with some friends when I am very happy or upset. Though I might go drinking two or three times a month, it is too many to an ordinary person. Drinking makes my stomach weaker and weaker and has no benefit to me. Therefore, I will try to stop drinking this often in the future. 

      All of my bad habits only make me unhealthier, and have no benefit to me and even to my family members and others around me. That's the reason why I would like to try to stop these bad habits. And I hope that I can totally quit these bad habits in two years.