Luck or Opportunity

張貼日期:Jun 20, 2011 8:0:34 AM

Luck or Opportunity


Linda Wu


      Luck and opportunity are the most valuable and priceless things in our life. What is the difference between luck and opportunity? Luck is like an accident. We encounter it unexpectedly. On the contrary, when we create something first, then an opportunity comes to us and gives us a chance to be more accessible to success or something that we dream for or want. The following paragraphs are two examples that explain what luck and opportunity are.

      When luck comes into our life, we may encounter something like picking up money on the street or catching the bus just in time for school or work, and so on. Even here comes the great luck--winning the lottery. It is the so-called “luck” when we come across these things.

      An opportunity is like when we proceed with something, we have some chances to improve its situation and reach the best condition. Take earning money for example. Only when we earn money by our own hands can we realize the happiness and the frustration; in the meantime, we can also become more outstanding and excellent and realize the hardest time we have ever passed by earning money by ourselves so that we really can get something important and impressive.

      In our life, there are a lot of luck and opportunities waiting for us. If we want to succeed, we may have to own both of them. However, opportunities are always created by ourselves. As the saying goes, “As you sow, so you reap.” We must make efforts first and then we may get rewards. No matter when we encounter luck or opportunity, we must seize it and get the best out of it.