The Benefit of Exercising Regularly

張貼日期:Nov 29, 2010 1:34:37 AM

The Benefit of Exercising Regularly

Alyosha Chen


      As the world gets more and more advanced, people do not have enough exercise like before. Because of this, a lot of health problems pop up nowadays. Exercising regularly can not only make our body healthier, more muscular, but also give us enough power to deal with our work. The following are the advantages of exercising regularly.

      Lack of exercise can cause many chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Moreover, it could make your blood pressure higher than the average; having high blood pressure could cause serious heart disease and apoplexy. Exercising regularly could prevent your blood pressure from getting too high, get rid of toxic and impurities in your body, and prevent you from all the chronic diseases mentioned above.

      Exercising regularly also has some advantages for your job. Exercise makes people not only strong and muscular but also energetic. If you have more energy than your colleagues, your performance might be better than they are.

      Last but not least, exercising regularly could make you more confident of yourself. Exercise makes people shaped. If one is shaped, one would be more confident in one’s performance and influence. Confidence is one of the most important qualities a successful person should have. It is good for our job, our relationship, and everything around us; people love confident guys.

      Having a habit of exercising regularly could be difficult. But based on its merits mentioned above—being important for health, job, and confidence, it is clear that exercising regularly is a must in our life.