My Favorite Dog-Bobi

張貼日期:Nov 03, 2009 2:1:54 PM


My Favorite Dog-Bobi

Agnes Lan

Bobi was a lovely dog. He was my grandma’s pet. He was in small size and white. He had curly hair and speaking eyes. Every time I went to grandma’s house, I played with him all the time. He seemed very excited while we were getting there. He would stand like a human with two legs and barked as people say“Welcome! I miss you so much.”and I would hold him in my arms. Even though he died a few years ago I can still remember his sparkling eyes and many habits. He was really beautiful. I like holding his face up to make him look cuter. At first, his innocent eyes would look at me but a few seconds later, his unwilling eyes tried to tell me“I want to leave.”Bobi was a glutton. While you were opening the wrapping the paper of snacks, he would rushed to you to beg some. If you do not give some to him, he would shout just like a kid. When he was angry, he was like a teenager. He would ignore you or do some destructive things. Sometimes he hid himself under the sofa and let out his rump to outside. He was very smart. For dogs, he was a genius and prince charming! I will miss you forever, Bobi!