My Two Lovely Dogs

張貼日期:Apr 03, 2013 5:38:40 AM

My Two Lovely Dogs





     I have two lovely dogs, one is called Money, an old lady, and the other is called Ping-Ping, a naughty boy. They are very different from each other although they are of the same breed-long haired Chihuahua. The first obvious dissimilarity is their looks, the second one is their personality, and the last difference is their popularity.

    Chihuahua has many different colors, and come in virtually any color combination. Money and Ping-Ping both have long hair, but Money has the most common color-white with fawn mottle on her body, and Ping-Ping is the solid black with two little tan spots above his eyes. In addition to the distinguishable color of their fur, they also differ in their shape. Money has chubby shape with short legs, and Ping-Ping is thinner and stronger with long legs.

   Money and Ping-Ping are contrast not only in their outside appearance but also in their personality. Money is an old lady with a stable temperament, walking slowly and elegantly. The most attractive character trait is her good behavior. Never does she litter and poop in the living room, the bedroom, or any other place in the house, except the dog’s diaper. In other words, if Money were a human, she must be a model student. Contrastive with Money, Ping-Ping is definitely a bad student. He is young and unteachable, always doing something mischievous such as biting tissue or slipper, making home a chaos. Besides, Money is a shrew, and Ping-Ping is chicken-hearted. Interestingly, although they have different personalities, they complement each other.

   Because of their contrary personalities, Money attracts more affection from ordinary people than Ping-Ping does. Money likes to flatter people. Unlike her, Ping-Ping seems more loyal to me. At the beauty contest, however, Ping-Ping will win more attention than Money because no color or pattern is more adorable than one with mottle.

   Like human beings, dogs also have their own merits and weaknesses. No matter how different Money and Ping-Ping are, I have equal love for them, and they are my great companions.