A Healthy Change

張貼日期:Mar 21, 2011 11:8:54 AM

A Healthy Change


Linda Peng


Health is important to everyone, and our habits strongly influence our health. However, bad habits are easy to form, while good habits are difficult to form. A healthy change in our life such as quitting a bad habit can be beneficial to us.

I always had midnight snacks when I studied in the junior high school. At that time, I studied in an orchestral class. I was under many pressures during classes and practices in the orchestra. Even though I had my dinner, I still ate midnight snacks when I studied after school. After I graduated from junior high school, eating midnight snacks became one of my habits, and this habit continued in my senior high school. However, one day I felt that my heart was aching. When I went to see the doctor, the doctor told me that I was too fat, and greasy food that I ate was the cause of my heartaches. So, I made up my mind to quit my bad habit of eating night snacks.

In the beginning, it was hard for me to quit eating midnight snacks. I was used to eating midnight snacks so that when I stopped the eating, my stomach felt hungry. I also decreased my food intake and drank much water. I spent a long period of time in quitting my habit of eating midnight snacks. Finally, I was successful to quit the bad habit of eating midnight snacks.

A healthy change in quitting my habit of eating midnight snacks makes me feel healthier and keeps my body slender. Although making a healthy change such as quitting our bad habit is difficult, it can be quite beneficial to us in the end.