The Essential Qualities of a Good Leader

張貼日期:Jan 21, 2017 3:28:36 PM

The Essential Qualities of a Good Leader

Rose Chien

           A good leader must have many essential qualities. I want to take Chang-shou Yen for example. He is a good leader in managing a hotel. He takes the staff members as his family. He said, “You have to manage yourself before managing your team members.” Also, a good leader must have the ability of handling crisis.

           Mr. Yen takes his staff as his family. He does not blame them when they do something wrong. He knows if he blamed them, they would be depressed or angry, which would make a bad working environment. A good working environment is important. If the staff have a good mood, they will offer better services to customers.

          Training yourself before managing the team members is important. If you want to manage your staff, you have to work on the basis. Working up from the bottom, you will understand more when you are a leader.

          Mr. Yen thinks the ability of handling crisis is another important quality of a good leader. The best way to solve the crisis is to prevent it beforehand. One day the hotel was flooded because of a typhoon. The staff was bailing the water out. Mr. Yen thought that was not a good way to get rid of the water. It wasted so much time to do it. He then called other people to take the water pump to do the work. Finally, he solved the problem in a more efficient way.

         To be a leader is not easy. One has to learn many things in order to become a good one. A leader should be a model for the whole team. If the leader is lazy, his staff will be lazy too. I think it is difficult to be a leader. One must possess some qualities to be a good leader. I will do my best to learn as much as I can to become a good leader.