Life in High School vs. Life in University

張貼日期:Apr 03, 2013 5:19:2 AM

Life in High School vs. Life in University



Lily Kuo


When I was in high school, I had great expectation for my life at university. I imagined all the subjects that we must learn in the English department were interesting. I thought that I could get good grades the same as I did in high school. Nevertheless, my university life was not entirely like what I had expected. Life in high school and life in university are quite different. As far as I am concerned, some major differences between the high school and the university are: wearing, ways of instruction, and after-school activities.

The first difference between the high school and the university is wearing. In high school, we should wear uniforms every day. Everyone wears the same uniform. We do not worry about what to wear in the morning. In contrast, we don’t need to wear uniforms in university. Thus, some students may spend a lot of time on wearing. They may think a lot what to wear every morning, so they may go to school late. Choosing what to wear every day really wastes much time.

The ways of instruction are dissimilar, too. In high school, teachers go to the same classroom to give the lesson. Besides, the range of each lesson is small, so we could focus on the subject being studied. And invariably, there are three major exams during a semester in high school. However, in university, students go to different classrooms to learn about different subjects. Moreover, each class covers a lot of content, so we must spend a lot of time studying. In university, there are only two big exams in a semester.

Another difference is after-school activities. In high school, because of the academic stress, most students go to cram school after school. They even study in their free time. By contrast, university students have much free time. Some of them may have part time jobs; others may join the clubs. University students have much more free time than high school students, and they have more chances to do what they like to do.

No matter how different the high school and the university are, both of them are important education processes for us. For me, I prefer the university life because I can do many things which I want to do in my free time.