Becoming an Independent Person

張貼日期:Nov 17, 2013 4:32:7 AM

Becoming an Independent Person

Anna Peng

A mommy boy is a man who has a very close relationship with his mother, a boy who always talks about his mother and many decisions are made by his mom. Are you a mommy boy?If you are one of them, there are so many things that you can’t do when your mom isn’t by your side. I don’t like to be a person like that, so I trained myself to be independent and made decisions by myself when I was in senior high school and I felt I was an adult and very free at that time. To make a decision for myself was not a very difficult thing to me.

But things didn’t go very well when I became a college student. I had to do everything alone and it’s very uneasy to me. When I was in senior high school, I did many things with my friends. I depended on my friends very much so I didn’t use to be alone. From that time on, I started to train myself to be more independent; I practiced doing everything by myself every day. In the beginning, I felt it’s very difficult and didn’t like to go to class. And when I wanted to buy something, I always went online-shopping.

         After three years, I am a junior and I become an independent person. Even though I have made new friends from college, I am not dependent on my friends now. I can go to class, go shopping, and have a lunch by myself. I can do many things by myself. It’s not easy but I tried, because I believe that I will overcome more difficult challenges in the future. No one will by my side forever, so being independent is very important.