The Problem of Staying Up Late

張貼日期:Jun 23, 2020 4:43:57 PM

The Problem of Staying Up Late 

Annie Liu

Staying up too late is a bad circular habit and a vicious one. It will cause me to feel spaced out, and I always can’t get up early. There are three solutions to solve the problem of staying up too late. One is trying to overcome procrastination. Another is not to play the cellphone before sleeping. The last solution is to adjust the physiological clock.

Procrastination plays an important part to cause the problem of staying up late. Because I think that I have a lot of time, I always do my things at the last moment. It makes my procrastination more and more serious. And since I have to finish a lot of things at the end of the day, I have to sacrifice my sleeping time. But if I alleviate my procrastination, I don’t need to delay doing all the things till the last minute. I shall never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.

Trying not to use the cellphone before sleeping is useful to fall asleep. In modern times, people use the cellphone all the time. It’s very bad to use the phone before sleeping because it will hurt our eyes and boggle our mind. Many people have the experience of watching the Korean drama the entire night. Getting so much information before bedtime, people cannot retain an inner peace and have a good night’s sleep. If I receive such huge amount of information before going to bed, it will be very hard for me to get into sleep. It’s the best to read some books or listen to some sleeping music before bedtime.

The last but not the least is to adjust my physiological clock. This solution is necessary and the most fundamental. Sometimes I just don’t want to sleep although it’s already bedtime. I must adjust my physiological clock so that I can fall into sleep in time. My body has been used to staying up late. Thus, it’s hard for me to get into sleep before my usual sleeping time. This is why I need to change the physiological clock. Adjusting my physiological clock can let my body and mind rest early and more easily. It’s the most important and fundamental solution.

I believe that these three solutions can solve the problem of staying up late effectively. To have a vigorous day and to go to school or work on time, I need to overcome my procrastination, avoid playing the cellphone before sleeping, and change my physiological clock. These three ways can be effective to help me avoid insomnia and fall asleep faster.