Effects of a College Education

張貼日期:Jun 23, 2020 4:54:59 PM

Effects of a College Education

Bryan Yang

Nowadays, if you walk into a street and ask people if they are a college student or not, the result may shock you greatly. With the policy of education, there are a lot of universities and colleges in Taiwan. Due to that fact, the quality of the university students varies. Some students even need to carry a big debt after they graduate, and they may have wasted 4 years in college.

At first, a college education has a great mission, which is to create and develop capable professionals to help the society to move forward. However, getting into the college has become so easy that some students even do not need to study in high school and they can be admitted into the college. These students might not have the talent to understand anything in college. And thus, the college may need to modify the syllabus and make courses easier for them, which makes the quality of students declines considerably.

In addition, some students from low-income family may have to carry a big debt after they graduate. Using myself as an example, after I study 4 years in college, I have already paid almost five hundred thousand TWD. It is a lot of money for some people, and a burden for family finance.

Moreover, some research found out that most college graduates are doing the job that does not require a college degree or is not related to what they majored in school. It means students are wasting their time studying in college. There are a Chinese saying, “You cannot buy time even you have gold.” Students should use those four years to explore the world and find their life goal instead of sitting in a classroom learning something which is unnecessary.

In conclusion, I am not saying that college education is useless. It has its value and people should think through if it is necessary for them to study in college. They should find their interest and try to turn it to their business. Maybe they can get a job and save money to travel the world. It is way better than sitting in a classroom learning nothing, gaining no experience and carrying a big debt after graduation.