A Healthy Change

張貼日期:Apr 07, 2011 1:46:33 PM

A Healthy Change


Linda Wu


      Avoiding staying up late makes me healthier and behave better in my life. Nowadays, many people have many unhealthy habits such as alcohol abuse, sitting in front of a computer all the day, drag racing, smoking and so on. Some people even take them for granted. They think these unhealthy habits are not a big deal. However, these unhealthy habits may be a dangerous factor to our body.

      Take staying up late for example. If we often stay up late, we do gradually hurt our body. First, it will hurt our liver. As a proverb goes, “If our liver is good, our life will be colorful; if our liver is bad, our life will be black and white." Just like what the proverb tells us, the liver is very important to us. As long as the liver has some little problems, our body will reflect it and get worse and worse. So, we have to go to bed early to maintain a good situation of the liver.

      We also have a bad condition of our spirit if we stay up late. When our spirit is not good, we will have no energy to do other things. In this period of time, particularly, we students will fall asleep in the class. So, we will probably fail the course. If we want to pass the course and get some knowledge, we must not stay up late.

      As for me, I used to stay up late. Then, I was too lackadaisical to focus on the class, which led to my poor grade. The situation of my part-time job was also not better than that of school. So, I finally realize the importance of going to bed early.

      When we want to stay up late, we must think what the consequence will be first. Unless what we want to do is very essential, otherwise we should choose to go to bed early. To sum up, staying up late only brings us bad consequences; avoiding staying up late does give us a healthy body and bring benefits to our life.