Online Games Are Not Always Good

張貼日期:Jan 13, 2010 1:26:53 AM

Online Games Are Not Always Good

Carol Huang

Online games would make many teenagers addicted to the Internet. According to reports, many teenagers love to play the computer games after class and do not want to go outsides.  They think they can find excitement in online games.  One of the reports says that many teenagers can find confidence in online games and do not need to talk to or get along with others.  For example, many people are so shy that they cannot talk to others as usual.  When they cannot talk to somebody, they will not have friends.  As the time goes by, they will feel lonely and become short of confidence.  They will become addicted to the online games and close their heart to the outside world.  I think it is not good for them to avoid the things they do not want to do. Nothing is impossible.  If we can open our mind to communicate with others, we can find the bright side.  Do not always find the excuses for ourselves.  In conclusion, online games are not always good if we become addicted to them.  They can provide us entertainment but they cannot be our best friends.  If we want to be a popular guy, we have to attempt to do everything we want to do.  Open our minds to accept the world because the world is changeable and the real thing is not like the online games which are unreal.  Just do it.