College Students Should Get a Part-time Job

張貼日期:Jul 09, 2013 10:55:39 AM

                               College Students Should Get a Part-time Job

                                                            Sherry Wu

I support that college students should get a part-time job because college students are adults and they should earn money to pay for tuition. Parents should not pay tuition for them because they have to let their adult children know that working is hard and earning money is not easy. Getting a part-time job is also a social experience. You will recognize a variety of people and learn how to work together and help each other. If your work is in restaurants, you can do many things. For example, my senior high school classmate is working in a western restaurant. She has to learn how to mix coffee, fruit drinks, etc. Sometimes, she has to help making western desserts in kitchen. When customers are coming, you should say “Welcome” loudly and give them a big smile. Some students don’t get a part-time job and go out for shopping every day. They spend parents’ money and don’t know how to save it. Their school performance is not good because they don’t know earning money is very hard. They only know going to school is very tired and boring. Some students without taking a part-time job might stay at home and waste their time. For example, many students like to play game or chat in the Internet. Therefore, I think college students should get a part-time job and enjoy it. One day, they may find their interests and become a boss in the future.