My Opinion About Making an Exterior Roll Call in Universities

張貼日期:May 28, 2010 1:47:42 PM

My Opinion About Making an Exterior Roll Call in Universities

Beatrice Lai


     An exterior roll call is a popular issue at PCCU. The school employs part-time students to call the roll outside the classroom. If present students are not over sixty percent, the professor has to write a report. Some problems emerge, so the school asks about students’ opinions by the referendum of students recently. And the results were published a few days ago. There are 630 votes in favor of exterior roll call, and 2072 against it. Most students don’t want an exterior roll call, and my opinion is the same as most students’.

     An exterior roll call is a good way to urge students to go to classes, but it also makes professors teach under pressure. They have to call the roll every class, and it wastes much time if the number of students is large. Professors don’t want to write reports because it makes them feel bad.

     Students think that they are already university students, and wonder why their school still calls the roll like senior high schools? Universities should have liberal climate. The school should not force students to come to the classes; it should provide good learning environment. Take myself for example. I am a full attendant student, but I go to classes for learning, not because of roll calls.

     Ming Chuan University is famous for the exterior roll call, but they have cancelled it. They adopt a different approach to urge students to come to classes. They ask professors to call the roll by themselves, and give the attendance record of students to the school. It is meaningless to ask students to go to classes by calling the roll.

     Most professors and students don’t like the exterior roll call, because they feel uncomfortable and feel that they are not respected. That’s the reason why some universities cancelled it gradually.