College Students Should Not Get a Part-time Job

張貼日期:Jul 09, 2013 10:47:11 AM

 College Students Should Not Get a Part-time Job

Jennifer Hsiao 

      Students' having a part-time job can gain experiences from society early, but I doubt if it is really good for them. So, I observe my classmates and find three disadvantages about taking part-time jobs. First, my classmate A didn’t come to school frequently because her job was busy. Although she learned much knowledge from work, her body couldn’t afford. And, it made her to be too tired to wake up. Besides, my classmate B, in order to accomplish her dream, had to work until ten p.m. after school every day. When I finished my homework, she just came home and had no energy to study. Once, I had even seen her using lunch time to make up her homework. Third, my classmate C had to dance, work, and study each day that he slept during class because he couldn’t pay attention to class. Why is he so tired? In fact, he doesn’t have enough time to sleep; he previews and reviews the materials at night. What is main mission for students to enter the college? If I need to gain experiences from society, getting a part-time job might be one option for me. However, my ability to handle major tasks will be lower than before. As a result, I consider it isn’t worth of sacrificing my future.