My First Motorcycle

張貼日期:Nov 23, 2017 7:35:57 AM

My First Motorcycle

Nicholas Yang 

     Owning a motorcycle has always been my dream ever since I was a little kid. I believe I am not the only kid that dreams about getting hands on a flashy, muscular, and fast motorcycle and ride it wherever desired. Many of my friends shared the same dream with me. However, as a kid growing in a family with no motorcycles or scooters, my desire of riding motorcycles was much stronger than any other kids that grew up with scooters or motorcycles as family transportation because I wasn't able to experience the feelings of riding a motorcycle. Moreover, my mother prohibited my brother and me from riding or purchasing motorcycles by any means due to the danger of riding motorcycles. My motorcycle dream seemed to become an unreachable fantasy that was imprisoned in my mind. However, it did not kill my passion for motorcycles at all. On the contrary, I started to obtain more information about motorcycles by reading online articles, motorcycle magazines, and even asking questions to my uncle, who studied car engineering during high school. Therefore, my motorcycle dream lived on.

     As I grew up, my taste of motorcycle has changed quite drastically. At first, fast, strong, muscular racing motorcycles were the only type of motorcycle that interested me while I was still a teenager. However, as my age increases, I gradually fell in love with something classier, subtler, and more elegant: custom retro motorcycles. With customization, one can transform a decades-old motorcycle into any desired kind of retro motorcycle. The customized motorcycle will be truly one of a kind. It is the uniqueness of retro motorcycles that took me away from the embrace of racing motorcycles.

     The day that I got my first motorcycle is the day I will never forget. After long struggles and revolutions with my mother, I was finally allowed me to buy a motorcycle. Free from the chains, I started to put my focus on buying a second-hand, cheap motorcycle with a decent condition. After searching for several weeks, I found a NT11000 dollars 2003 SYM Wolf Classic 125 online. With its low price and the decent condition judged from the picture, I immediately reached the owner for a test ride. During the test drive, everything felt okay and smooth. As a result, I took the deal and bought myself a used SYM Wolf Classic 125 with 10000 dollars. Several days later, with the completion of the transfer procedures, I headed to the owner's place and rode my little Wolf home. On my way home, everything felt amazing. That was my first time riding my own motorcycle on the street. Even though the motorcycle was not powerful nor fast, the joy of riding my own motorcycle was still the emotion that I will never forget. Unfortunately, something bad happened out of the blue: in the middle of the riding, I heard something crack and drop on the ground with a crispy metal clash. And my Wolf just died! I stopped at the side of the road and went back to check what part was missing. It turned out that the chain, which is the essential part to transfer power from the engine to the rear wheel, broke and dropped. Getting stranded in the middle of the street at Sunday night, I felt so disappointed and helpless about this awkward situation because all the repair shops were closed. Disappointed as I was, I left my motorcycle on the side of the street and called my parents to pick me up. That was the worst day of my life. Several days later, I went back to where my Wolf had broken down and pushed it to the nearest repair shop to bring it back to life. Since then, my Wolf officially became a part of my life.

 Owning this motorcycle for several months, I believe this is the motorcycle which will stay with me for another decade. Although several minor issues here and there have emerged during my ownership of the bike, I have been pretty satisfied with its reliability and fuel efficiency so far. Although it is already a 10-year-old machine, the power is still sufficient for my daily commute. As a motorcycle lover, owning a motorcycle is more than owning a transportation means that takes one to wherever one desires. With this Wolf, I am like with a good old buddy. Even though he never speaks, I always feel every emotion he tries to transmit to me. And I enjoy every ride with him.