High School and College

張貼日期:Apr 19, 2012 8:15:8 AM

High School and College


Elaine Chen


      We know that there are many differences between high school and college. When we go to college after high school, we will find that most things are controlled by ourselves rather than teachers and parents. Most of us who go to college don't live with parents, so we have to learn how to live by ourselves instead of relying on parents. There is a big change from high school to college in terms of life, schoolwork, and friends.

      Life is very different between high school and college. When we are in high school, we have at least eight classes each day. In addition, we have quizzes and homework every day. As a result, doing homework and studying are the things we have to do every day. Our lives are regular, so we may think it is boring because we don't have much time doing many things we like. On the contrary, college life is freer. We may live outside and we can do everything we like at anytime. No one will force us to do something we don't like. However, it is also the chance for us to learn how to live by ourselves instead of depending on parents.

      Schoolwork in high school is more burdensome than that in college. Teachers in high school often give us homework every day, especially Chinese, English, and math. If we don’t finish them, we may be punished. Also, teachers may ask us to memorize much knowledge of the subjects and do many exercises. There are at least three big exams in each semester, and many exams in high school are written tests. By contrast, no one forces us to study in college. Professors just teach us their professional knowledge. They don’t give us homework or tests every day. In addition, there are only two exams each term, and there are different ways for college students to demonstrate their performances like writing papers or making verbal reports.

     About making friends, there is also much difference between high school and college. In high school, the friends we make are almost from the same area, but the friends we make in college are from different places, even from foreign countries. It is easy to make friends in high school because most of them are from the same region we live, and it is easy to have topics when we talk to each other. However, friends in college are very different because many of them are from different environments. They are of various backgrounds and perspectives. Maybe it is a little difficult to communicate with one another at first, but we will adapt to one another after some time. Unlike in high school, we can have many circles of friends in college.

      The transition from high school to college may be a turning point in our life because of the drastically different learning environments. Our lives, friends, and ideas may become diverse. As time goes by, we should know how to be responsible for ourselves. We also need to become self-reliantrather than depending on teachers, parents, and friends. It is up to us to live our lives.