Choosing a Rewarding Occupation

張貼日期:Jun 23, 2011 1:57:26 AM

Choosing a Rewarding Occupation


Linda Wu



      I would like to choose the interpreter as my rewarding occupation. As a student, particularly one that is studying in the third year in the university--I, who will be a freshman in this society very soon, should think for the future and prepare to search a suitable and rewarding job for myself. The reasons why I choose the interpreter as my rewarding occupation are as follows.

      First, I choose the interpreter as my rewarding occupation because I yearn for contacting those famous people. I want to be the bridge between foreigners and natives, particularly helping singers, stars, or impersonators who come from other countries and have to communicate with the hosts. It is interesting and exciting to do this job. 

      Second, in my opinion, although the process of being an interpreter is hard, the financial reward is high. I can make a lot of money by doing the intensive and demanding work.

      Finally, by interpreting different languages, I can make my brain clear and prevent it from becoming old and dull. When I interpret, I will use my brain to analyze the words, the sentences, and the meaning; in doing this, I can activate and exercise my brain to the full.

      The interpreter is not just a “rewarding occupation. It is a dream to me. Only when I have determination, take an action, and work harder and harder can I reach the goal—becoming an interpreter.