Dickens, Charles



    1. Il Circolo Pickwick (The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club) (1836)

    2. Le avventure di Oliver Twist (The Adventures of Oliver Twist) (1837-1839)

    3. Nicholas Nickleby (The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby) (1838-1839)

    4. La bottega dell'antiquario (The Old Curiosity Shop) (1840-1841)

    5. Barnaby Rudge (1841)

    6. Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-1844)

    7. Dombey e Figlio (Dombey and Son) (1846-1848)

    8. David Copperfield (1849-1850)

    9. Casa desolata (Bleak House) (1852-1853)

    10. Tempi difficili (Hard Times) (1854)

    11. La piccola Dorrit (Little Dorrit) (1855-1857)

    12. Racconto di due città (A Tale of Two Cities) (11 luglio, 1859)

    13. Grandi speranze (Great Expectations) (1860-1861)

    14. Il nostro comune amico (Our Mutual Friend) (1864-1865)

    15. Il mistero di Edwin Drood (The Mystery of Edwin Drood) (non portato a termine) (1870)


    1. Il naufragio della Golden Mary (The Wreck of the Golden Mary) (1856)

    2. Canto di Natale (A Christmas Carol) (1843) (*)

    3. Le campane (The Chimes) (1844) (*)

    4. Il grillo del focolare (The Cricket on the Hearth) (1845) (*)

    5. La battaglia della vita (The Battle of Life) (1846)

    6. Il patto col fantasma (The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain) (1848)

    7. Perdersi a Londra (Gone Astray) (1853)

    8. Passeggiate notturne (Night Walks) (1860)

    9. Mugby Junction (Mugby Junction) (1866)

Diari di viaggio

    1. America (1842)

    2. Impressioni italiane (1846)