Disney's Song of the South is not racist, it's Black History!

Walt Disney's Song of the South is Not racist because it depicts the ordinary life of Black sharecroppers in the early years after Reconstruction and the end of slavery!

This is not racist- it's Black history!

It's chronicling the conditions that 'Black' people triumphed over to give us the likes of Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis!

This is not racist- it's Anti-racist!

This is Black History!

This is preserving the memory of a real period of time, and the kind of stories that helped 'Black' people in America keep their hopes up, and the conditions that they triumphed over!

Don't let the memory of this important period in Black history in America die!

Don't forget the quiet process of quietly building a new life for ourselves that led out of slavery to the triumphs of people like Miles Davis and Jimi Hendrix!

This is Black history!

And telling this Black history is Anti-racist!

Don't let the memory of how our Black brothers and sisters quietly built a new life for themselves and their descendents and the conditions that they had to work themselves out of- and in this movie, the stories that gave them the hope they needed- don't let the memory of these things die!

For this is Black History!

This is the story of what we triumphed over!

And one more thing... for the completely clueless, this movie is not in the time of slavery- it is in the post-Reconstruction late 19th Century, before Blacks had a chance to seek new homes in places like Chicago!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson

P.S. I may not be Black, but when my Black brothers and sisters triumph, I triumph too, for they are family!