1Z-1: To Black People Who Are Hurting In America: Remember, You Are God's Children

Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world

Red and yellow, Black and white, they are precious in God's sight

Jesus loves the children of the world

And remember, no matter how old you are, you are still God's precious child

God loves you and will get you through to the other side

And trust that there is an other side

For most of the world doesn't give a rat's ass what race you are

Japan, China, India, France, Germany, Italy

The rest of the world doesn't care what race you are

America will emerge from this darkness

There is an other side

And God will get you to the other side

God loves you

You are a precious child of God

You are not alone

God is with you always

Remember, God is with you always


David S. Annderson