common sense in Korea

If you're wondering if your pet dog would be safe in Korea...

Would your pet pig be safe in America?


David S. Annderson

P.S. Here's to Korea, a beautiful little country in beautiful Asia! Korea is a beautiful civilization, I don't want anyone to think that people eating dogs is what I think of when I think of Korea, I just want people to not be afraid! And to have some common sense... people keep pet pigs here in America, and they are purfectly safe! (I can imagine what the people of India must think of us Americans, eating the noble cattle that pulled our plows for 6,000 years! That's like eating a horse!) (Honey, are you really going to take our cow into America?!)

When I think of Korea... well, I think of a beautiful little overlooked country that has their own version of all the things that make Japan and China so beautiful, like flower festivals and poetry, porcelain and serene wisdom... which almost all come from China or else came into Japan and Korea through China from India with Buddhism- just as a lot of what makes Washington, D. C. in America such a beautiful city comes from Greece (with an Egyptian Obelisk and the reflecting pool of the Taj Mahal thrown in, none of it was invented here)- but which were all mastered by Korea and Japan long ago, in which Korea and Japan have found their own voice as unique cultures... that's what I think about when I think of Korea! (And which make Korea part of a grand tradition out of China, just like Washington, D. C. shows America to be in the grand tradition of Athens, Alexandria and Rome with tributes to ancient Egypt and India's Taj Mahal thrown in- all tribute to carrying on a grand tradition, just like Korea and Japan carry on the grand tradition of Han and T'ang China to this day in every anime and kdrama!)

And I might add one more thing- that there are probably a lot more vegetarians in Korea than here in America, at least per capita! (and fewer than in some places only because they rely on the sea for some of their food!) (So unless your pet is a wild fish of the ocean....) (and no, King Triton, we don't eat mermaids! Ariel is safe with us!)