1Z-0: You will know the real God by His Love

That's how I know that The Buddha, the Koran and Islam as most Muslims know it, the Upanishads, Christianity, Judaism, and many other religious traditions tell of the same God (although Buddhism does not talk directly of God but only of a Divine state of mind)- they talk of the same Divine Love!

You will know the real God by His Love!

Buddhism does not talk of God at all- but it does talk of Divine Love!

You will know the true God by His Love!

Donald Trump cannot represent the true God- he is a hater! he is mean!

You will know the real God by His Love! And you will know the followers of the real God by their Love!

You will know the followers of the true God by their Love! They will comfort you and be your friend! They will not get angry at innocent people! They will not get angry at you for who you vote for or what religion they follow or whether you are politically correct! They will not get angry at or guilt innocent people!

You will know the true God by His Love! And you will know the followers of the true God by their Love!

(And I have known people who voted for Trump who were followers of the true God who followed Love even though Trump is a Hater- they were just tricked by Trump's people! A lot of good loving people vote Republican! But Trump himself is mean!)

God is Love!

God loves you! Whoever you are! You are a precious child of God!


David S. Annderson