1Z-0: The Planets were once Divine!

The Planets were once Divine!

Venus was once the Goddess of Love!

Jupiter was once Jesus, Our Lord Allah, King of Kings, King of the Universe!

Once we looked up at the stars and saw God!

Some of us still do!

Some of us still look up at the stars and see God!

Some of us look at the Hubble Telescope's 'Pillars of Creation' and see God!

Let's return to that!

Let's return to seeing God in the stars!

The Stars are God's brilliant source of Light and Life!

The Planets are Divine!

Jupiter is the King of Planets, with His Royal cloud belts, His Great Red Spot, large enough to swallow the entire Earth, God's appointed King of our Solar System, second only to God's source of Light and Life Itself Our Sun!

Saturn is the King of Beauty, His splendorous rings shining in the night!

Mars is the Planet of mystery, teasing us with legends of little green men!

Venus is the Goddess of bright light in the twilight, giving us a bright pure white beacon in the Morning and the Evening!

Europa is the planet of Promise and Possibility, where whole oceans of Life may await us!

The Moon is Mankind's Friend, close enough to welcome Man to his very surface, showing us a whole new world!

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are Divine oases in the night, giving us beauty to discover in the vast night!

The Planets were once Divine!

To some of us they still are!

Let's all see God in the Stars!

Let us all see Wonder and Beauty in God's Creation!

The Planets are all Divine!


David S. Annderson