A Tribute to Tina Turner, the Hercules of Rock and Roll and a Champion of Europe

As in, Europe needed a Champion. I've told you the legend of Cafeisha, the Coffee Goddess. Now I tell of another Black Goddess- Tina Turner, the Hercules of Rock and Roll. While proof of Cafeisha's existence has never been found, Tina Turner can be found in Switzerland, in the heart of a Europe she inspired.

Tina Turner- Survivor, Champion, Triumphant over unimaginable odds. And especially beloved in Europe.

A Europe that had been through TWO World Wars. And the Cold War. A German people who had been blamed for both wars. A Belgium and Netherlands that had felt especially helpless. And a Britain whose Splendid Isolation had been shattered. A Europe that had seemed to have lost its old identity.

No wonder Tina Turner is especially beloved there. Tina Turner who for a decade and a half went through Hell. Tina Turner whose public identity was wrapped up with her tormentor. Tina Turner who had Survived. Escaped. Triumphed. And took back her public identity.

The Hercules of Rock and Roll.

David S. Annderson