1Z-8: The So-called 'Higher Criticism' has gone too far

First of all, what is 'higher criticism'?

It is all the people who wonder whether or not Jesus or some other figure from religion was real.



You have four separate written biographies of Jesus from within an adult lifespan of when he was alive, and you are wondering if he is real?


Are you kidding me?

And just where did Christianity come from, anyway, if Jesus was not real?

Was Julius Ceasar real?

Because we certainly do not have four separate biographies of him from the century after his birth!

Jesus is one of the most well-documented figures in all of history!

Do not doubt someone's existence just because they founded a religion!

A cry for sanity, for if we denied Jesus's existence we would have to deny all evidence we have of the past before about 3 or 400 years ago!

The 'Higher Criticism' has gone too far!


David S. Annderson