Celebrating a Supreme court Decision

It is early Summer 2022. A few days ago the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

But today, four or five days later, the Supreme Court made a decision that we can all celebrate!

So if you are a Democrat, and you are afraid of what rights the Supreme Court will take away, take heart! For just four or five days later, the Supreme Court made a decision that we can all celebrate!

The Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of American veterans' rights to sue states over discrimination in employment opportunities!

The Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of protecting and extending important rights for veterans and all of us!

Celebrate! Because the Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of extending our rights! And to people who are especially vulnerable, and especially deserve it!

So let's celebrate! And let's celebrate that we Liberals do not have to be afraid of the current Supreme Court!

Because we all know that abortion is a difficult, painful, tricky, emotionally charged issue. One that causes a lot of pain on both sides, and makes me want to cry for both sides who are in pain. Frankly, I wish the abortion issue would just go away and leave us alone!

But on normal issues, which are less difficult, we now know we have nothing to fear!

They will not take away our rights in less tricky, far less painful issues like 99% of our rights!

So let's celebrate!

And let's celebrate that there is a cause- a Supreme Court decision- that Liberals and Conservatives can unite behind!

Because we have a lot more in common that we think!

Both Liberals and Conservatives believe in Star Wars and Iron Man and all they stand for, and we both believe in supporting our troops who sacrifice their lives to save people's lives and keep us safe!

And many people on both sides can pray for all the people who are in pain over the abortion issue, even if you disagree with one side or the other. (Personally I think both sides are right and I dearly wish we could open up a dialogue to talk it out. But more than that I hate seeing people in pain!)

We have so much in common, and we can all celebrate that the Supreme Court has just ruled in favor of the rights of our veterans!

So let's celebrate!

And pray for those in pain on both sides!

But let's also celebrate!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson