1Z-3: You Still Need God To Create Complexity

If you found a watch on the ground, or a smartphone, you would assume someone must have made it.

A creator. An intelligent being.

A mouse in much more complex than a smartphone.

You need a creator.

You need God.

Biologists think that the theory of Evolution explains how life evolved complexity without needing God.


No, it doesn't.

The Theory of Evolution only explains how life changes from one form to another.

But even the most simple lifeform, even the most simple bacterium is far more complex than any smartphone!

It's much easier to change into something more complex once you are already incredibly complex and self-reproducing!

But how did it get complex in the first place?

How did life form in the first place?

Science has no answers.

Science has not even successfully defined what life is!

It eats, breathes, and grows... but what is it?

Science has not even successfully defined, let alone explained, what life is!

Science is certainly nowhere close to explaining how life formed in the first place if they cannot even define scientifically what life is!

You still need God to create Life!

You still need God to create complexity!

Once you have complexity, and it is self-reproducing, it is easy to make it even more complex!

The hard part is making it complex in the first place!

And making it self-reproducing in the first place!

You still need God to create complexity!

A rock cannot evolve into anything!

A rock cannot evolve into anything!

To evolve, something needs to be self-reproducing!

And even the simplest life-form that can self-reproduce without the help of a more complex life-form (which viruses cannot do!) is far more complex than any smartphone!

Evolution only explains how something that is already very complex- and can self-reproduce without the help of another, more complex life-form- becomes even more complex!

Evolution explains how a brain can evolve from a bacterium!

But a bacterium is far more complex than any smartphone!

You still need God to create complexity!

And you now need God to do something more- give that complexity the ability to self-replicate without the help of anything even more complex!

You still need God!

You still need God to create life in the first place!

And the simplest life-form is far more complex than any smartphone!

If you found something far more complex than any smartphone- and found that it has something called Life, which science cannot even define- you would absolutely assume an intelligent Creator!

And evolving more complexity once you have an incredibly complex self-replicating organism is by far the easy part!

Explaining how it got so complex in the first place- and how it got to be alive in the first place- is much harder! And any honest biologist will tell you that this is beyond the scope of Darwin's Theory of Evolution! (Many of them lie through their teeth about such things out of habit and bad teaching, but put them to the test, and they will admit this!)

You still need an intelligent Creator to create the highly complex simple life-form in the first place!

For even the simplest bacterium is for more complex than any smartphone!

God loves you!

Rejoice! For God is real! And God loves you! For God is responsible for all the good things out there- all the sunshine, all the flowers- and so God must love us!

God loves you! And God is not mad at the scientists! He pities them!


David S. Annderson