1Z-1: Good news: A Dialogue has Begun!

Good news: in January of this year, 2022, a dialogue between Liberals and Conservatives in America on abortion, however small at the moment, has begun!

Yes, perhaps someday soon Christian conservatives will stop being afraid of us Liberals!

On January 22 this year (2022), Oklahoma representative (to the state or national Congress I don't know) Forrest Bennett wrote:

"This week I filed HB3129, which codifies that a father's responsability to his baby & their mom begins at conception.

"If Oklahoma is going to restrict a woman's right to choose," (there's that horrible bad slogan again! We are protecting the Life of the mother, not her right to kill her baby!), "we sure better make sure the man involved can't just walk away from his responsability."


This is just the kind of dialogue that we need on this and every other issue!

This is how we learn from each other and solve problems! For we Liberals can certainly still learn from people who think differently from us, and we could certainly still learn a lot from Christian conservatives! And maybe through this dialogue we can create a solution to the abortion problem that is better than any solution either side has right now!

This is how Democracy used to work in America, and this is how Democracy still works in places like Germany, India and Japan!

(And God knows I'm not the only Liberal who agrees in principle with Conservatives who oppose abortion and wishes we could have a dialogue so that we can talk it out and find a solution!)

Many Christian conservatives, including Catholic Answers, took up the idea and championed it!

It's just a very small dialogue. So far I don't know if any other actual people in office have taken up this dialogue. But it's a start! A dialogue does not have to start with people in office! It can start with us!

And as for me, I could not agree more! A man's responsability to his baby and their mom should begin at conception! As a Liberal (and a Christian) I wholeheartedly agree, and I can't imagine there are very many true Liberals who would not agree as well! Let's keep this idea alive! And let's keep this dialogue alive, even if it is not among people in office right now!

Here's hope for us all!

God loves you!


David S. Annderson