A Tribute To My Sister

No, she's not gone- I just wanted to do tribute to her.

Ana-Lisa was my sister growing up. (Now I have several sisters, not all blood relatives.) Don't confuse her with Ann and Lisa from my stories- they are quite different people. It was always obvious to me how protective Ana-Lisa was of my younger brother Nicholas, who is disabled. She may never have realized how much she, like my brother Nicholas, took care of me as well. You can say we were eternal playmates, closer than best friends. I recently saw a photo of her in my Dad's house, and you can see how bright and powerful her spirit is, even through the photo. Like my Mom and my Dad and my brother Nicholas, she was a huge part of the immense strength of my family.

Finally, at long last as a grown-up, I don't need to lean on her, and now she can devote her life-energy to other things, knowing her brother can lead his own life and no longer needs to lean on her- we can simply be closer than best friends.

Thank you, Ana-Lisa, you strengthened us all when we needed it, and you made those times wonderful for all of us. You have never been far from my thoughts. Thank you.

David S. Annderson